Design Biotop

How to link business and design

A one day experiential event with guests from Finland for designers, start-ups, businessmen, creators, politicians, cultural workers and other!

Design Biotop is an experiential workshop and discussion event that explores the problem solving and trans-disciplinary nature of design, and promotes a design thinking mindset to a country that is searching for design opportunity perspectives and its impact on economic growth. Its aim is to underline the connections between the design mindset, creative processes, education and decision making.

Design Biotop serves as a touchpoint event that illustrates what a change of mindset through design can bring to a wider working understanding of all levels of Slovenian society.

Design Biotop strives to bring together all levels of society in order to rethink the value of design in Slovenia. Its aim is to present alternative mindsets and concepts which will illustrate the possibilities for designers and design thinkers to contribute to creative problem solving and design’s potential for a positive impact on the development of Slovenia.

Finnish speakers will present examples of real time experiences to the open public with a set of talks and short hands-on workshops and exercises. Those involved will be encouraged to actively participate in lectures and talks that will evolve into different self-evaluation exercises. These will provide a hands-on experience to all participating at the event.


Kalevi Ekman – The power of Design in Higher Education and Fusion with Business

Kalevi Ekman – How to set up a perfect multi-disciplinary team?

Lauri Repokari – Bridging the Gap. Design Thinking in Slovenia

Lauri Repokari – Stanford design thinking workshop

Heikki Rajasalo – Make my Product an Icon and Make it Look Good

Marco Steinberg – A Strategic Design Practice Helping Governements and Leaders Innovate

Juuso Koponen – Design for Transparency


Design Biotop Website