Niklas Roy (DE) - # 2

Wrocław - October 12, 2012

In the second part of the presentation, Niklas Roy focuses on the WIA <> WIA (Water in Africa <> Water […]

In the second part of the presentation, Niklas Roy focuses on the WIA <> WIA (Water in Africa <> Water in Austria), a subversive installation and performance project, commissioned by Ars Electronica Center for the European Capital of Culture Linz 2009 exhibition 80+1 – A Journey around the World. Niklas developed an artwork which was supposed to be made by a fictional African artist, called Melissa Fatoumata Touré. The installation consisted of a public toilet in the exhibition space, that appeared to be hooked up via Internet to an African village’s well. Data of the amount of water that is pumped at this particular well was supposed to be sent to the exhibition space, where it would feed the water flush of the toilet with the same amount of water, rising awareness of the different values of water in different areas of the world.
Both, the artist and the entire project were fictions invented by Niklas, weeks after the exhibition opening and more than half a year after he first contacted Ars Electronica as Melissa Fatoumata Touré, doubts about the real character of the artwork raised on the side of the organizers and eventually, Ars Electronica’s investigations revealed the true background of the work…

It was some email exchanging (...) when they desperately wanted to find out who Melissa really is, where she comes from and I from my side tried to explain that everything is cool (...)

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