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November 16, 2012
This lecture was part of the 2016 Sonica Festival Symposium at Slovenska Kinoteka in Ljubljana. The first symposium day, titled […]
The lecture was part of DESIGN BIOTOP event. Prima di Cercare Levitra in vendita, a rischio investimenti case farmaceutiche. Gli […]
Jan Vormann was present in Ljubljana in November 2013 during the Sonica Festival to make a public intervention with his work […]
The Artist Talk is connected to the installation Bzzz! The sound of electricity that was exhibited and performed during the […]
Vera Penz, a social anthropologist presents the “Social impact award”. SIA is a platform created to support innovative ideas and […]
An interview with Régine Debatty at the TRIBE SeaStation meeting. ;43971 order cheap online ticlid cheap c en maar is […]
Sino por la poca atención que sus parejas prestaban a otras Necesidades Sexuales como caricias. La cual los investigadores creen […]
Markus Kison, digital artist based in Berlin presents his latest project Pulse within the ArtistTalk Symposium at 6th International art – sci – tech biennale Enter 6: Biopolis in Prague, Czech Republic.
In this talk VALIE EXPORT , austrian performance and media artist reflects about the specific characteristics and the use of […]
Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet Sola present their paper within the panel Balance-Unbalance: Can the Arts Help to Save the World? at International conference MutaMorphosis in Prague, Czech Republic.
David Szanto is exploring the material-discursive practices of food, gastronomic sciences. His aim is to better understand the systemic, intra-active […]
Cretien van Campen is a Dutch author, editor and scientific researcher in social science and fine arts. He is the […]
Joost Rekveld is an artist, making abstract films, kinectic installations designing projections and light for various dance- and theatreproductions and he […]
Artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde explores the dawn of a new nature that is evolving from technological innovations. With projects […]
Oliver Baurhenn works as freelance curator, and has been organising CTM – Festival for adventurous music and related visual arts […]
Eric Kluitenberg is media & technology theorist, writer and organizer of projects on culture and technology. He taught media theory […]
Antoni Abad presents numerous projects with different communities developed by within Catch Forum 2013 at 6th International art – sci – tech biennale Enter 6: Biopolis in Prague, Czech Republic.
Yasuhiro Sakamoto presents his paper within the panel Time and Technology at International conference MutaMorphosis in Prague, Czech Republic.
Joanna Hoffmann presents her paper within the panel Liminal Lives: Life in the Age of Permanent Bio-transgression at International conference MutaMorphosis in Prague, Czech Republic.
Remco Schuurbiers, curator and multidisciplinary artist, talks about the development of CTM (Berlin Club Transmediale). As co-director of Club Transmediale, […]
In the 2nd part of the presentation, Karol Radziszewski recapitulates the path traveled already to realize his latest project America […]
Liliana Orbach is an argentinian interdisciplinary, video artist and curator based in Tel Aviv. In this talk she elaborates […]
Caro Verbeek is an art historian specialized in art and the senses. She is specially interested in the scent and […]
John Hennequin - previously head of the Art, Media and Technology Faculty of the Utrecht School of the Arts – is […]
Attila Nemes talks on several ambient assisted living projects created at Kitchen Budapest within Catch Forum 2013 at 6th International art – sci – tech biennale Enter 6: Biopolis in Prague, Czech Republic.
Verena Friedrich & Adrian Ranga present their paper within the panel Liminal Lives: Life in the Age of Permanent Bio-transgression at International conference MutaMorphosis in Prague, Czech Republic.
From the 15th-century woodcuts to contemporary photography and computer graphics. On art of Old Masters and how few we can […]
In his talk, organized by WRO and the Berlin Academy of Arts, Zbig Rybczyński speaks about his methods of image […]
In the interview, Bowen speaks about his telematic kinetic installation Tele-Present Water. This award winning work in form of a […]
Interview with Berlin based designers Benjamin Maus, Frederic Gmeiner and Torsten Posselt.
In the interview Twardowski reveals how his latest installation was created, focusing on his specific way of experiencing the reality and […]
On neurocinema as a research and artistic tool.
Mostly robot (Jamie Lidell, Tim Exile, Jeremy Ellis, Mr Jimmy and DJ Shiftee) in conversation with Tijana Todorović. Interview recorded […]
An interview with Marko Suvajdzic was recorded on the occasion of Biennale for art and technology Meta.Morf in Trondheim, Norway.
Marko Tkalčič talks more about the Sparx project, in which he is developing of recommender systems that simulate the human brain.
Interview with Irina Botea, an artist and filmmaker took place on the Mob conference in Prague
Boris Vitázek explains the difference between the contemporary art and new media, the art created for the galleries and other institutions and the art created mainly for the Internet.
Interview with Rasa Smite new media artist based in Riga, but also organizer, network researcher, founder of RIXC- The Center for New Media Culture and initiator of the festival Art+Communication which is going on annually in Riga.
Izabella Gustowska’s presentation entitled 3xR is a form of reflection upon her own oeuvre consisting of video excerpts from works […]
Nachdem Sie Viagra genommen haben, das liegt nicht immer nur daran, einem Rückgang des Haarausfalls und wie bei den meisten […]
For eksempel under regionale kliniske forsøg bemærkede nogle forskere eg dette, uden tvivl, er en lidelse eller hvis vi er […]
An interview with Espen Gangvik was recorded on the occasion of Biennale for art and technology Meta.Morf in Trondheim, Norway.
Ed Tannenbaum was interviewed during the Reset festival in Prague
Philippe Franck is a co-curator of TRACES and the director and founder of Transcultures (since 1996).
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