Tagny Duff (CA)

Artist, researcher. Graduated with a BFA in 1997 from the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design(Vancouver) and MFA in 2005 from Concordia University (Montreal). Her research focuses on the use of contemporary media technologies in visual arts. Duff has participated in several solo installations and performances, including Telepresence (La Centrale Gallery Powerhouse, Montreal, 2002), Tomorrow’s News(MUU, Helsinki, 2003), Webcams, Networks and Performance (Club Transmediale, Berlin, 2004), Speakers Corner 2 (Times Square, New York, 2005), Future Archives (the University of Victoria, Victoria, 2006), The Parasite (FOFA Gallery, Montreal, 2007) and Moist Media Archives Prototypes (Perth Institute for Contemporary Art, Perth, 2008). Her works have been presented at various contemporary art festivals, such as LIVE Performance Art Biennial (Vancouver), the International Performance Art Festival (Toronto), the Visualeyez Performance Art Festival (Edmonton), the International Performance Art Festival (Sackville), HTMlles International Media Art Festival (Montreal) and ISEA2006 (San Jose). Duff focuses her research on wet technological practices in contemporary social contexts. She has taken part in conferences at the Ontario College of Art and Design (Toronto), UQAM (Montreal), the University of Central Lancashire(Lancashire), Nova Scotia School of Art and Design (Halifax), the Biennial of Electronic Arts (Perth, 2007) and SLSA (Berlin, 2008). She has curated a number of projects, namely Time Zones (Montreal-Toronto, 2004), Representing Illness and AIDS in Art (Montreal, 2005), Bad_aRt (Montreal, 2006). Duff is currently writing her PhD thesis at the Concordia University (Montreal, Canada).

Related links: , cryobook archives at Science gallery , cryobook archives- Project Description, Living Viral Tattoos (Make Me Squeamish!), living viral tatoos