Marko Tkalcic

Marko Tkalčič (SI)

Marko Tkalčič was born in Koper in 1975. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in September 1999, July 2003 and December 2010 respectively. He was awarded with the Preseren student award in February 1999. Since October 1999 he is working as a research scientist in the Digital signal, image and video processing laboratory at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of electrical engineering. His areas of research include user modelling, affective computing, human-computer interaction, human perception, digital image processing and remote education systems. He is currently doing his phd research on the usage of affective and personality parameters for modeling users and content in various applications. He has been and still is involved in several international projects within the european framework programme. He has been constantly cooperating with national industrial partners as developer and adviser. He is author/co-author of several scientific papers, book chapters and the co-editor of the proceedings of an international scientific conference.


Related links:, Marko Tkalčič PhD defence